Removable Prosthodontics in Finneytown, OH

Welcome to Strawman Family Dentistry, your trusted dental partner offering top-of-the-line removable prosthodontics services in Finneytown, OH. Under the skilled hands of Dr. Brittany Strawman and Dr. Kyle Tangney, we promise to restore the beauty and functionality of your smile.

What Is Removable Prosthodontics and How Do They Work?

Removable prosthodontics, also known as removable dentures, are dental appliances that replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They can be removed and put back into the mouth, aiding in functions like eating and speaking while improving your smile aesthetics. These appliances rest directly on the gums or attach to existing teeth.

Types Of Removable Prosthodontics Available in Finneytown, OH

Strawman Family Dentistry offers two main types of removable prosthodontics—partial and complete dentures. Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain, while complete dentures are employed when all teeth are missing or need removal.

What Is the Process of Getting Removable Prosthodontics?

The process involves a thorough dental examination, during which Dr. Strawman or Dr. Tangney will assess your oral health to determine if removable prosthodontics are right for you. If suitable, they will then take impressions of your mouth to fabricate custom dentures. Once ready, they'll ensure the dentures fit comfortably and make any necessary adjustments.

How Long Does It Take to Get Fitted for Removable Prosthodontics?

The timeline varies, typically spanning several weeks and multiple appointments, depending on the type of denture and the individual patient's oral health.

Are There Any Age Restrictions for Getting Removable Prosthetics?

There are no specific age restrictions for removable prosthodontics. These dental solutions can benefit anyone missing teeth, regardless of age, provided they maintain good oral health.

Are There Any Dietary Restrictions with Removable Prosthodontics?

There may be dietary restrictions, like avoiding hard and sticky foods. However, as you get accustomed to the new appliance, you should be able to resume a regular diet. Our team will provide detailed dietary guidelines post-procedure.

How Should I Care for My Removable Prosthodontics?

Care for removable prosthodontics includes:

  • Daily cleaning to remove food particles and plaque.
  • Careful handling to avoid damage.
  • Overnight soaking to retain their shape.

Regular dental visits for professional cleaning and check-ups are also essential.

The Cost of Removable Prosthodontics in Finneytown, OH

The cost of removable prosthodontics varies based on individual cases, the type of denture, and insurance coverage. Contact us at 513-521-2100 for a detailed cost estimate.

Schedule Your Removable Prosthodontics Consultation in Finneytown, OH, Today!

Are you ready to regain your confident smile? Schedule your consultation for removable prosthodontics at Strawman Family Dentistry today. Call us at 513-521-2100 and let our experienced dental team, led by Dr. Brittany Strawman and Dr. Kyle Tangney, guide you through the process. Embrace the change and rediscover the joy of a healthy, beautiful smile!