Endodontics in Finneytown, OH

Strawman Family Dentistry provides endodontic care in Finneytown, OH. Endodontics is a dental specialty that diagnoses and treats dental pulp diseases and injuries. Strawman Family Dentistry offers advanced treatments such as root canals, apicoectomies, pulp capping, and endodontic re-treatment. Dr. Britanny Strawman and her team are trained in using advanced dental technologies that provide precise, safe, and effective treatments. 

What Is Endodontics?

Endodontics focuses on treating the dental pulp, which includes the nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues within the teeth. Endodontists use advanced technology and techniques to diagnose, prevent, and treat diseases or injuries to these structures. Endodontic treatments include root canals, apicoectomies, pulp capping, and endodontic re-treatment.

How Long Does an Endodontic Procedure Take?

Endodontic treatment is necessary when the dental pulp becomes infected or damaged due to decay, injury, or trauma, leading to abscesses and tooth and tissue damage if left untreated. Endodontic treatments help preserve your natural teeth and prevent further damage from occurring. 

What Are the Most Common Endodontic Procedures?

At Strawman Family Dentistry, Dr. Britanny Strawman offers a variety of endodontic procedures to meet your needs: 

  • Root Canal Therapy: Removes infected pulp and seals the tooth's root canal 
  • Apicoectomy: Surgical removal of the tooth's root tip and surrounding tissue 
  • Pulp Capping: A procedure that protects the dental pulp 
  • Endodontic Re-treatment: Re-treatment of a previously treated tooth 

How Long Does an Endodontic Procedure Take?

Most endodontic procedures can be completed in one to three appointments, depending on the complexity of your treatment. During each appointment, Dr. Strawman will perform a comprehensive examination and discuss the procedure with you before beginning any treatments. 

How Long Does The Pain Last After Endodontic Treatment?

Some patients may experience mild discomfort following the endodontic treatment. This discomfort is normal and should resolve within a few days. If you are still in pain after a week or so and still having the same symptoms, be sure to get in touch with us immediately at 513-521-2100.

How Much Does Endodontic Treatment Cost?

The rate of your endodontic treatment will depend on the difficulty of your case and the type of procedure needed. We are dedicated to providing dental care that fits your budget, and we also accept a variety of payment options. Our office staff can discuss financial matters with you before beginning any treatments. 

Schedule An Endodontics Consultation in Finneytown, OH, today!

At Strawman Family Dentistry, our experienced endodontist Dr. Britanny Strawman is devoted to providing you with a high standard of care and treatment plans so you can make an informed decision about your treatment plan. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!