Dental Bridges in Glendale, OH

Unlock your perfect smile with dental bridges in Glendale, OH! At Strawman Family Dentistry, we offer top-quality dental bridge solutions to restore your missing teeth and enhance your oral health. Discover the transformative benefits of dental bridges and regain your confidence with a beautiful smile right here in Glendale, OH.

What Are Dental Bridges and Why Do You Need One?

Dental bridges are prosthetic devices used to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, anchored to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. Dental bridges restore your smile's aesthetics and improve your oral health and overall functionality. By filling the gaps left by missing teeth, bridges prevent the shifting of surrounding teeth, restore proper bite alignment, and maintain the integrity of your jawbone.

Benefits of Getting a Dental Bridge

There are several benefits to getting a dental bridge:

  • Improved oral function: Bridges restore the ability to speak, eat, and chew properly, enhancing oral function.
  • Preserved facial structure: By maintaining proper tooth alignment and preventing bone loss, bridges help keep your facial structure.
  • Prevention of teeth shifting: Dental bridges prevent neighboring teeth from shifting into the gaps left by missing teeth, preserving your natural bite.
  • Enhanced self-confidence: With a complete smile, you can regain self-confidence and enjoy social interactions without feeling self-conscious about missing teeth.

Types Of Dental Bridges Available in Glendale, OH

At Strawman Family Dentistry, we offer various types of dental bridges to suit the needs of the different patients in Glendale, OH:

  • Traditional Dental Bridges: These bridges consist of one or more pontics placed on the adjacent natural teeth by dental crowns.
  • Cantilever Bridges: Suitable when only one adjacent tooth is available for support.
  • Maryland Bridges: These bridges are bonded to the backs of adjacent teeth using a metal or ceramic framework, eliminating the need for dental crowns.
  • Implant-Supported Bridges: These bridges are anchored to dental implants surgically placed into the jawbone, providing superior stability and support.

The Process of Dental Bridges in Glendale, OH

Getting a dental bridge at Strawman Family Dentistry typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial consultation: During your first visit, our dentists will evaluate your oral health, discuss your goals, and determine if dental bridges are the right option.
  2. Tooth preparation: If necessary, the adjacent teeth will be prepared by removing a small amount of enamel to accommodate the dental crowns.
  3. Impressions: Precise impressions of your teeth will be taken to create a custom dental bridge that fits comfortably and blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.
  4. Temporary bridge: While your permanent bridge is being fabricated, a temporary bridge will be placed to protect your teeth and gums.
  5. Bridge placement: Once your permanent bridge is ready, it will be securely bonded or attached to the adjacent teeth or dental implants, restoring your smile's appearance and function.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are an excellent tooth replacement option for individuals who:

  • Have one or more missing teeth
  • Have healthy adjacent teeth or dental implants for support
  • Desire a non-removable and fixed tooth replacement solution
  • Maintain good oral hygiene habits
  • Have adequate bone density to support dental implants, if opting for implant-supported bridges

We recommend scheduling a consultation with our experienced dentists at Strawman Family Dentistry to determine if dental bridges are the right choice.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Typically Last?

With proper care and regular dental visits, dental bridges can last for many years. Dental bridges can last between 5 to 15 years, depending on various factors such as oral hygiene practices, bite forces, and general wear and tear. Regular check-ups and maintaining good oral hygiene are essential for the longevity of your dental bridge.

How To Care for Your Dental Bridges?

Caring for your dental bridges is similar to maintaining your natural teeth. Here are some tips to help you keep your bridges in excellent condition:

  • Brushing: Brush your teeth at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, paying attention to the bridge area.
  • Flossing: Use dental floss or interdental brushes to clean between your teeth and around the bridge. Proper flossing techniques are crucial for removing plaque and food particles.
  • Regular dental visits: Visit Strawman Family Dentistry for routine check-ups and professional cleanings to ensure the health and longevity of your dental bridge.
  • Avoid hard or sticky foods: Minimize the consumption of hard or sticky foods that may damage your dental bridge.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking can stain and weaken bridge materials, compromising their durability and appearance.

Are There Any Alternatives to Dental Bridges?

Yes, there are alternative tooth replacement options to dental bridges, including:

  • Dental implants: Implants offer a long-term and highly durable solution for replacing missing teeth. They replace the tooth root and provide a stable foundation for a dental crown or bridge.
  • Dentures: Dentures are removable appliances that replace multiple missing teeth. They can be full dentures, replacing an entire arch of teeth, or partial dentures, replacing several missing teeth.
  • Dental implants with overdentures: This hybrid solution combines the stability of dental implants with the convenience of removable dentures.

Our experienced dentists at Strawman Family Dentistry will assess your oral health and discuss the best tooth replacement options for your specific needs.

Cost Of Dental Bridges in Glendale, OH

The cost of dental bridges can vary depending on factors such as the number of missing teeth, the type of bridge chosen, and any additional procedures required. During your consultation at Strawman Family Dentistry, we will provide you with a personalized treatment plan and discuss the associated costs. We accept various payment options and can help you explore dental insurance coverage and financing options to make your dental bridge affordable.

Schedule Your Dental Bridge in Glendale, OH, Today!

If you're considering dental bridges in Glendale, OH, Strawman Family Dentistry is here to help. Dr. Brittany Strawman, Dr. Kyle Tangney, and our dedicated team are committed to delivering exceptional dental care and helping you achieve a confident and healthy smile. Contact us at 513-521-2100 to schedule your appointment or learn more about our dental bridge services.

We look forward to serving you!